Jumbo Finvest (India) Limited (JFIL) was founded by Mr. Ajay Kumar Singh and his family members in 1998 for carrying on a tractor dealership in the name of Ajay Tractors Private Ltd. In 2003, its tractor dealership business was discontinued and the company was registered as a non-deposit taking NBFC with Reserve Bank of India. JFIL is engaged in secured lending (commercial vehicle, two wheeler loans, loans against property, Home Loan and security etc.). The tenure of which ranges from one to three years. At Present the company operates through its 195 branches in 59 districts in five states-Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Maharashtra and had a portfolio of Rs. 767.93 Crores as on March 2019. JFIL enjoys investment grade “BBB+” rating for its credit facilities from CARE rating agencies and “A-” rating for its credit facilities from Acuite Ratings.
We are second largest Non-Deposit Taking Systematically Important Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) in Rajasthan. We are continuously working to enhance experience of our customer with simple operations, minimal documentation and flexible repayment options.